Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lesson Plan - Canadian Coat of Arms


Bridge: Can you name a symbol that represents all Canadians? If so, why do you believe this is a suitable symbol for Canada?

Teaching Objective: Nil

Learning Objective: Students will be able to identify this prominent Canadian symbol and all of its constituent components.

Pre-Test: Just ask what students know of the Canadian Coat of Arms (not knowing what it is, know that it has a crown on top, know that it has the Union Jack on it, etc.)

Participatory: All students will be given a piece of the Coat of Arms and at the end of the class will be asked to identify their piece on a full diagram of the Coat of Arms, and give an explanation to the meaning of the piece.

Post-Test: See above.

Summary: This lesson identifies an important Canadian symbol that appears ubiquitously on most Federal buildings and is a prominent symbol in the military. I hope that you have gained a bit more knowledge about your Canadian heritage.

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